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[verkauft] 11c Barocklaute (Andreas von Holst, 2000)

Verfasst: So 31. Mai 2015, 14:30
von Melante
Zum Verkauf (2000 Euro) steht eine sehr gute 2000 von Andreas von Holst gebaute 11-chörige Barocklaute (siehe Foto). Vom Klang her scheint es mir nach dem Vorbild Tielkes gebaut zu sein.

Bei Interesse bitte melden bei Birgit Johst, Tel. (02152) 516415 oder Mobil (0173) 2993127.

Re: [verkauft] 11c Barocklaute (Andreas von Holst, 2000)

Verfasst: Mo 8. Jun 2015, 10:39
von crifarnetti
Dear Birgit, my former message is ok for the 11 courses as well!

Cristina Farnetti, Rome

Re: [verkauft] 11c Barocklaute (Andreas von Holst, 2000)

Verfasst: Mi 10. Jun 2015, 17:31
von Melante
Dear Cristina,

I am sorry: the lute is already sold.


Re: [verkauft] 11c Barocklaute (Andreas von Holst, 2000)

Verfasst: Do 3. Dez 2020, 16:24
von migueliuto
It would be possible to have the actual owner’s email? I’d like to see if that’s possible to buy it :) and do and offer to the owner.

Thanks in advance!!
Miguel Rincón

Re: [verkauft] 11c Barocklaute (Andreas von Holst, 2000)

Verfasst: Sa 16. Jan 2021, 13:59
von migueliuto
Dear, I saw your ancient message concerning a Lute 11c by Andreas v. Holst. Although I know it was sold long time ago could you please send me the actual email's owner? I love the lutes by Holst (I have Two! One archlute and one baroque 13c lute) of that's ok to you , of course! I'd like to offer him an exchange or money offer. This is my number and email:
0041 78 647 90 18
You could also advice him about this message and give him my email or telephone.
Thanks a lot for your time,
Best wishes!
Miguel Rincón